SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (ITC) is comprised of public and private organizations collaborating in a neutral forum to drive innovative solutions to key industry challenges. 

SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (SAE ITC®)

Standards are all around us. The car we drive, the smartphone we use to communicate, the house we live in – all were made possible by hundreds and sometimes thousands of technical standards for reliability, safety and interoperability. These standards require the cooperation of many different individuals and organizations to be developed.

But development of the standard alone is not sufficient. True industry impact is achieved with adoption of the standard throughout operations and the supply chain to reduce costs, improve quality, and increase competitiveness. SAE ITC enables new or existing consortia to successfully impact their industry through widespread adoption. Existing SAE ITC programs demonstrate how specific industry challenges can be addressed collaboratively, cost-effectively and without compromising IP.

SAE ITC enables public and private organizations to collaborate, even with competitors, under an anti-trust umbrella to quickly and efficiently establish pre-competitive best practices and principles under which they mutually agree to operate. Multiple standards organizations can also participate in this neutral forum setting to establish a more holistic approach to the ecosystem to embody the principles into standards based on their relative areas of strength.

SAE ITC provides the resources and services for public and private organizations to collaborate in a neutral forum to drive innovative solutions to key industry challenges. By providing a comprehensive legal framework for pre-competitive collaboration along with a full suite of strategic and operational services, SAE ITC can help a new or existing program or consortia quickly impact their industry.

Resources and Services

Collaborative Communities

SAE ITC is where industry comes together to address shared needs and opportunities.

Smart Connections

SAE ITC connects key stakeholders to drive standards, technologies, innovation, and best practices.

Trusted Data Resources

SAE ITC provides proven platforms for sharing information in a secure environment.

Impactful Innovation

SAE ITC provides solutions that reduce costs, improve quality, and increase competitiveness.

Aerospace Programs

Government Programs

Land-Based Programs

Multi-Sector Programs