Our Mission
Create and manage an inclusive framework for secure digital trust across the electric mobility PKI ecosystem to accelerate electric vehicle adoption and optimize the user experience.
SAE EV Charging PKI Project
In the summer of 2019, industry engaged SAE International to research a solution to security and interoperability gaps for the emerging EV charging ecosystem.
In Fall 2019, SAE launched the SAE EV Charging Public Key Infrastructure project in SAE’s Cooperative Research Program. The Cooperative Research Program (CRP) brings industry together in a industry-led, pre-competitive research projects to solve emerging industry problems. SAE CRP projects develop solutions by industry for industry.
The project designed and tested an inclusive, protocol-neutral, worldwide EV charging industry PKI platform that is secure, trusted, scalable, interoperable, and extensible. The final SAE EV PKI CRP deliverables were completed in January 2023.
View and download the Electric Vehicle Public Key Infrastructure (EVPKI) Program Overview
Join us! Reach out today to help us lead the advance of a secure global EV ecosystem.
EVPKI work is developed by industry for industry. EVPKI members provide oversight of all EVPKI technical development to ensure they are developed in the best interest of industry. As key EVPKI deliverables are completed, they will be made available freely to industry to lay the groundwork for a platform of trust for interoperability among PKI providers in an open, competitive EVPKI market across the electric mobility PKI ecosystem.
The EVPKI Consortium is pleased to publish the SAE EV Charging PKI Certificate Policy v1.1 (EVPKI CP) free to industry. The EVPKI CP is the backbone of the SAE EVPKI platform, an open, protocol-neutral, best-in-class PKI platform built on security industry standards and best practices. The EVPKI CP forms the basis for the SAE EVPKI Certificate Trust List (EVPKI CTL), our next technical development.